Conference: Ethical engineering for sustainability, wicked problems and beyond

Conference: Ethical engineering for sustainability, wicked problems and beyond
The following opportunity may be of interest to School of Sustainability faculty and students: Ethical engineering for sustainability, wicked problems and beyondAn online interdisciplinary undergraduate conference for tomorrow’s leadersDecember 11—12,

ASURE awarded contract to advance unmanned and robotic technologies
ASURE has been awarded a contract that could total as much as $42.4 million over the next five years to advance unmanned and robotic technologies; it is the largest contract the nonprofit organization has been awarded.

Podcast: Morris discusses the Native American digital divide
In a recent interview with the Cisco TechBeat podcast, sustainability scientist Traci Morris, director of ASU’s American Indian Policy Institute, talks about her work studying the impact of the digital divide in Indian country.
Event: The overlooked role of tech in the sustainability movement
Join by Zoom August 11. Engineers today are increasingly asked to produce sustainable designs, products, and infrastructure. But what is meant by sustainability, and what is the role of the engineer in this domain?

Strengthening supply chain in Africa
In many places around the world supply chain gaps prevent goods from reaching their intended market and the people who need and rely on them. Supply chains include the system

Sustainability scientists forecasting the future of mobility
The success of technologically advanced means of automated movement of people, products and services depends on public attitudes, values, perceptions and willingness to embrace new and different things, more so than innovation.

ASU launches master of science in public interest technology
The online, cross-disciplinary program will train leaders who will imagine, design and use technology for social good. Applications open mid-June.

Street smarts required in heat mitigation
Anyone that’s ever been out walking on a hot summer day has probably experienced an uncomfortable phenomenon: sometimes, the heat radiated from the pavement below is just as hot as

ASU launches master of innovation degree program
A new entrepreneurship master’s degree combines design, business and engineering. The Master of Science in innovation and venture development is open to all degree backgrounds.

ASU professor leading international effort to improve urban resilience
NATURA, which stands for ‘Nature-based solutions for Urban Resilience in the Anthropocene,’ will link early-career scholars and practitioners who are working on solutions for climate change resilience around the world. We will create opportunities to share knowledge from one region or city with another.