Sustainability storytelling students premiere short-form documentaries

Sustainability storytelling students premiere short-form documentaries
December 11, join sustainability scientist Peter Byck for a premiere of his students’ work this semester. The event format will be to showcase one film, then do a Q&A with the filmmakers, then repeat for the second film.

Gerber, Maynard, Neuberg elected AAAS Fellows
Three sustainability scientists were among five ASU faculty to be recognized by the American Association for the Advancement of Science for their career contributions to science and innovation.

Maynard publishes new book: Future Rising
In his newest book, a series of sixty short reflections, sustainability scientist Andrew Maynard embarks on a 14-billion-year historical journey to show readers how we started and what we are steering toward.

ASU moves up to No. 4 in Sierra Club’s ‘coolest schools’
Sierra magazine, the national publication of the Sierra Club, released its 14th annual “Cool Schools” competitive ranking of North America’s greenest colleges and universities on Sept. 28, ranking Arizona State

ASU named a ‘best college’ by The Princeton Review, ranked high for sustainability
The Princeton Review has named Arizona State University one of the Best 386 Colleges in its 2021 rankings, which were compiled by surveying 143,000 students across the country. On sustainability,

From fashion incubator to PPE manufacturer
When FABRIC, Tempe’s fashion incubator, learned of the urgent PPE shortage, they stepped up and to date have sewn over 200,000 reusable isolation gowns that meet FDA regulations. Join us Sept. 15 (1-2 p.m.) for a virtual talk with 2 business & fashion innovators from FABRIC.

This week: UN75 Global Governance Forum
ASU faculty, staff and students are invited to register for the livestream of the 2020 Global Governance Forum, Sept 16-18. The event features a session moderated by GFL’s Amanda Ellis at 9am AZ time on Sept 18.

Global Futures Research Accelerator launches with 28 participants
The Global Futures Research Accelerator launched on September 4, 2020. The inaugural cohort includes 28 faculty participants representing 13 college-level units across all four metropolitan ASU campuses. The faculty have diverse expertise across the sciences, engineering, humanities, and social sciences.

Pearson authors guide to tiger beetles of India
A new field guide co-authored by sustainability scientist David Pearson is the first definitive identification guide to all 241 species of tiger beetles known to occur in India.

Study offers new insights for sun-gathering technologies
Inspired by the way plants and other photosynthetic organisms collect and use the sun’s radiant energy, researchers from Biodesign Center for Applied Structural Discovery and School of Molecular Sciences hope to develop technologies that harvest sunlight and store it as carbon-free or carbon-neutral fuels.

Anbar awarded medal from the Geological Society of America
The Arthur L. Day Medal is awarded annually to recognize outstanding distinction in the application of physics and chemistry to the solution of geologic problems. Anbar is interested in Earth’s past and future as an inhabited world, and the prospects for life beyond.

Asner, Martin teach Hawaiian youth about coral reef conservation
ASU group is working to bring new educational opportunities to Indigenous and non-Indigenous Hawaiian communities to ensure that Native culture, customs and traditions are considered in coral reef resilience planning.