School of Sustainability News

Student from Yemen hopes to bring sustainability into humanitarian work
School of Sustainability master’s student Enas Al-Qershi recently had a bit of an epiphany while working towards her degree in Sustainability Leadership. “I’m starting to think that sustainability is not

ASU hosts AZDA Summit with USDA Secretary Tom Vilsak
“Out of crisis, it is incumbent upon us to create something better…something more resilient.” Secretary Tom Vilsak, United States Department of Agriculture Featuring 26 speakers and over 200 Arizonans in

Global Futures Laboratory’s Diane Pataki, Enrique Vivoni elected AAAS Fellows
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the world’s largest general scientific society and publisher of the Science family of journals, has elected two outstanding faculty from the

New paper positions waste pickers as models of environmental stewards for circular economy
A new paper published by a team from the Rob and Melani Walton Sustainability Solutions Service that includes College of Global Futures associate professor Rimjhim Aggarwal examines the culture and

A response to the Working Group 1 contribution to the IPCC 6th Assessment Report
The first working group’s contribution to the 6th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), “The Physical Science Basis” released on August 9, comes at a moment

Swette Center report sets organic food agenda for US
The ASU Swette Center for Sustainable Food Systems recently released a report to help President Joe Biden set a new agriculture agenda based to organic foods. “The Critical To-Do List

NAS Report advises shifting focus from projecting to preparing for climate change
As it drafts its next decadal strategic plan, the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) should shift its focus to providing insights that help society prepare for and avoid the

New paper: Collaborative governance for the food-energy-water nexus
Sustainability scientist and GIOSI deputy director Dave White and recent School of Sustainability PhD graduate J. Leah Jones published a paper, A social network analysis of collaborative governance for the

New paper: Sustainable consumption
School of Sustainability assistant professor Tyler DesRoches, sustainability fellow Daniel Fischer and their co-authors have published a new paper, Sustainable consumption communication: A review of an emerging field of research, in the Journal of

New book: Resilient Urban Futures
A new open access book, Resilient Urban Futures, addresses the way in which urban and urbanizing regions profoundly impact and are impacted by climate change.

Peter Schlosser named chair of AGU Development Board
ASU vice president and vice provost of Global Futures, Peter Schlosser, was recently named as chair of the Development Board for the American Geophysical Union (AGU).

Peter Schlosser named chair of AGU Development Board
ASU vice president and vice provost of Global Futures, Peter Schlosser, was recently named as chair of the Development Board for the American Geophysical Union (AGU). Joining Schlosser on the