Clair Cooper, PhD Candidate at Durham University, is joined by Gillian Dick, Strategic Planning Manager with Glasgow City Council, and Donagh Horgan from the Institute of Social Innovation at the University of Strathclyde to talk about Every Tree Tells a Story. Every Tree Tells a Story is an innovative new nature-based solution that aims to help communities reconnect with urban nature, particularly urban trees, and understand what are nature-based solutions by sharing and mapping their favourite stories about trees. Gillian and Donagh talk about their inspiration for the project, how it relates to the concept of nature-based solutions, and explain our deep connection with trees. Gillian and Donagh then talk about why it’s so important that we educate people about the role of trees in the fight against climate change and how they plan to help people reconnect with trees through community participation and mapping of stories about our favourite trees.
You can keep up with this exciting project by following @everytree_ and using #EveryTreeTellsAStory on Twitter.
Other Twitter links:
Institute for Future Cities (@iFutureCities)
Glasgow City Council (@GlasgowCC)
Gilian Dick (@gilliannd)
Donagh Horgan (@godonagh)
Clair Cooper (@cooper_clair)
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