Arizona State University is working with the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON), operated by Battelle, to collect information that informs our understanding of use of large-scale data sets in higher education, your familiarity with NEON data, and your usage/non-usage of NEON data. Data gathered will be used to inform outreach efforts and for educational planning purposes.
The assessment team is asking for your assistance in completing this short survey. The survey aims to gather feedback from higher education administrators, faculty, and staff and should take no more than ten-minutes to complete. You must be 18 years of age or older to participate.
Please click here to take the survey: NEON Needs Assessment
This link is an anonymous link so no identifying information will be attached to your responses. Feel free to share the link with your colleagues or your professional network. We encourage you to list your institution and role, but doing so is not mandatory.