The School for the Future of Innovation in Society (SFIS) at Arizona State University is seeking a post-doctoral research fellow for a one-year position on a sponsored project related to public interest technology (PIT) and responsible innovation (RI).
The project is funded under the Public Interest Technology-University Network (PIT-UN), organized by New America Foundation and seeks to study three institutions (ASU, Howard University and Estrella Mountain Community College) to identify what they do and could do across their missions and functions to implement PIT comprehensively and strategically. PIT generally refers to “the study and application of technology expertise to advance the public interest/generate public benefits/promote the public good.” It is largely cognate with tech-for-good, responsible innovation, and other similar terms.
This full-time, 12-month position is funded by a grant and will end when funds are no longer available.
The successful candidate will work closely with principal investigator of the award, David Guston, who is currently Director of SFIS and Associate Vice Provost for Discovery, Engagement and Outcomes in the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory, which houses the College of Global Futures in which SFIS resides. Professor Guston is a foundational thinker in RI, represents ASU in the PIT-UN, and as director of the Center for Nanotechnology in Society at ASU trained numerous post-doctoral fellows from the United States and abroad who continued into successful academic careers. The successful candidate will also work closely with PIT colleagues at ASU as well as at Howard and EMCC.