Dr. Reed Maxwell will presents the 2020 Henry Darcy Distinguished Lecture on Feb 28, 1 – 2 pm, ASU CDN Room 60 (Design North) entitled “Hydrology in the Supercomputing Age: How Computational Advances Have Revolutionized Our Field, and What Big Data and Massively Parallel Simulations Mean for the Future of Hydrologic Discovery.” Dr. Maxwell and the Arizona Hydro Society will gather for a mixer from 2 to 4 pm at Macayo’s Depot Cantina in downtown Tempe. $10 suggested donation – appetizers and no-host bar included.
Dr. Maxwell’s research focuses on understanding connections within the hydrologic cycle and how they related to water quantity and quality under anthropologic stresses. He is currently director of the Integrated GroundWater modeling Center at the Colorado School of Mines.