Accepting abstracts until Jan. 15: Commons in Space

Accepting abstracts until Jan. 15: Commons in Space
ASU is co-hosting the XVIII Biennial International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC) conference, including an eight month virtual conference rollout. The first virtual conference, Commons in Space, is set for Feb. 24-26 and is currently accepting submissions for individual presentations, special sessions and webinar panel discussions. Commons in Space abstracts are due Jan. 15.

ASU’s Earthshot opportunity: Who would you nominate?
The Julie Ann Wigley Global Futures Laboratory has been invited to be an Official Nominator for the Earthshot Prize, the most prestigious global environment prize in history, which aims to find new solutions to the world’s biggest environmental problems.

Future Agenda: Rethink the tax credit on electric vehicles
Sustainability scientist Ryan Cornell has contributed to Future Agenda, a series from Future Tense in which experts suggest specific, forward-looking actions the new Biden administration should implement. The article is entitled It’s Time to Rethink the Tax Credit on Electric Vehicles.

Meerow: Framing affects public support for local action
Sustainability scientist Sara Meerow has co-authored a paper using survey experiments to show how people conceptualize different terms used to frame environmental policies and how this affects public opinion.

2021 Conference: The International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture
Religion and Environment: Relations and Relationality. Conference of the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture. February 18-28, 2021.

Resilience Alliance offers short course on resilience
Post-graduate students (Masters and PhD) and early-career researchers are invited to apply by Feb. 21 for a one-week course, Resilience Foundations from Theory to Practice, designed to facilitate collaboration among a broader network of students and researchers.

Your top ten from 2020
Happy holidays, scientists and scholars far and wide. Wishing you a peaceful and bright 2021. In case you missed it, here’s a list of your most-read stories from last year.

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