Your top ten from 2020

Your top ten from 2020
Happy holidays, scientists and scholars far and wide. Wishing you a peaceful and bright 2021. In case you missed it, here’s a list of your most-read stories from last year.

Can higher education be transformed to better serve society?
Arizona State University President Michael Crow, Pomona College President G. Gabrielle Starr, and California State University Chancellor Joseph Castro visit Zócalo for an in-depth discussion of how to make American higher education a stronger force for equity and innovation.
How community land trusts can advance racial equity in our cities
According to sustainability scientists Mark Roseland and Chris Boone, community land trusts keep housing affordable and benefit minority communities who have suffered for decades from unfair lending practices and discrimination.

Can we fix climate challenges without hurting the economy?
During a Dec. 2 Future Tense event, five climate and economy experts talked about what it will take to solve this wicked problem.

Applications open: Energy, environment, and climate policy fellowships
Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs is accepting applications for fellowship positions in the following research areas: Energy Innovation and Decarbonization, Low-carbon Development in China and India, and Technological Systems and Innovation Policy.

Study shows proximity to convenience stores affects kids’ weight
In a new study, sustainability scientist Punam Ohri-Vachaspati and co-authors found that children who live in an environment with a higher prevalence of unhealthy food sources, such as convenience stores, are more likely to gain weight over time.

Bliss part of drive to create cybersecurity change
Sustainability scientist Nadya Bliss is urgently calling for change in the way new technologies are designed. She says that while security measures such as encryption and authentication have been widely adopted, security tends to be secondary to application capability.

Request for proposals: ASU Social Embeddedness Network Conference
Socially embedded faculty and staff, or those who are interested in community-university partnerships, are invited to submit proposals to present at the 2021 ASU Social Embeddedness Network Conference. Proposal deadline is Jan. 8.

Sustainability scientists participate in NASEM events
Nancy Grimm presented on urban sustainability. Marty Anderies presented on adapting to shocks and surprise. Billie Lee Turner presented on sustainability science as a growing field of scholarship.

Applications open: NASEM early-career research fellowship
The NASEM Gulf Research Program is accepting applications for the 2021 GRP Early-Career Research Fellowship Track 1: Human Health and Community Resilience. Applications are due January 13.

Decision support tools and research workshop
Read the event recap, check out the action items, and affiliate your new or existing ORCID with ASU. Take 20 minutes to watch Phil Tarrant’s presentation on ASU’s research data support services.

New book: Urban infrastructure for 2100
Sustainability scientist Mikhail Chester has published a new book, Urban Infrastructure: Reflections for 2100, an edited volume imagining infrastructure transitions and goals at end-of-century.