Study offers new insights for sun-gathering technologies

Study offers new insights for sun-gathering technologies
Inspired by the way plants and other photosynthetic organisms collect and use the sun’s radiant energy, researchers from Biodesign Center for Applied Structural Discovery and School of Molecular Sciences hope to develop technologies that harvest sunlight and store it as carbon-free or carbon-neutral fuels.

Anbar awarded medal from the Geological Society of America
The Arthur L. Day Medal is awarded annually to recognize outstanding distinction in the application of physics and chemistry to the solution of geologic problems. Anbar is interested in Earth’s past and future as an inhabited world, and the prospects for life beyond.

ASU joins global research cohort to launch new center focused on society’s relationship with oceans
ASU and Conservation International join more than 20 other institutions around the world that will provide research and expertise to support Ocean Nexus Center’s four areas of focus: human rights and human security, ocean economy, food safety and sovereignty, and regional fisheries policy.

3 ASU professors named senior members of National Academy of Inventors
Professor Wim Vermaas and associate professors James Abbas and Cody Friesen join fellow NAI colleagues in the senior membership ranks who, along with their research accomplishments, have been successful in earning patents, acquiring licensing and commercializing technology they have developed.

Broadbent, Georgescu explore humans’ exposure to future extreme temperatures
The researchers used state-of-the-art modeling tools to analyze how three key variables — climate change, urban development and population change — would affect human exposure to extreme temperatures from the beginning of this century to its end.

Event Sept. 3: Killer Heat in COVID Times
Last month, Phoenix broke its record for the most days at 110-plus degrees, while being the world’s hotspot for coronavirus. This case critical discussion brings together ASU, the City of Phoenix, as well as a local nonprofit and a national NGO, to discuss the compounding crises of extreme heat and COVID-19.

Like marathon runners, locusts carbo-load before a long journey
According to a new study from ASU’s Global Locust Initiative scientists, they do it for the same reason humans do. Read the abstract of this new paper published Aug. 2 in the Journal of Animal Ecology.

Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing act important for socially diverse neighborhoods
Sustainability scientist Deirdre Pfeiffer explains the history of the AFFH, what she views as its strengths, her concerns about its repeal, and how local municipalities can continue making progress toward creating inclusionary and equitable neighborhoods despite the repeal.

Study reveals long-term human impacts on reef fish
Researchers from ASU’s Center for Global Discovery and Conservation Science and Hawaii Division of Aquatic Resources observed an alarming 45% decrease in fish biomass over a decade of surveys. The scientists proposed actionable solutions to mitigate future losses.

Takamura teaches empathy as a path to beautiful universal design
On the anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Associate Professor John Takamura says true universal design makes the world more accessible for everyone.

Bowman helping Phoenix become a top tech-driven “smart region.”
Although the work is inherently multifaceted and complex, The Connective’s overarching goal is simple: to work together in implementing technology to improve the quality of life for people living and working in the Greater Phoenix region.

DesRoches elected president of International Network for Economic Method
Sustainability scientist Tyler DesRoches has been elected president if INEM, the largest professional organization for philosophy and methodology of economics in the world. DesRoches is one of a few philosophers and methodologists of economics working on sustainability issues.