Call for proposals: Global Conference on Sustainability in Higher Education

Call for proposals: Global Conference on Sustainability in Higher Education
This year’s theme is “Mobilizing for a Just Transition.” Become a presenter and have your voice heard on vital topics such as the global pandemic, widespread protests against racism and the upcoming 2020 U.S. Election. Proposals are due August 14.

Podcast: Morris discusses the Native American digital divide
In a recent interview with the Cisco TechBeat podcast, sustainability scientist Traci Morris, director of ASU’s American Indian Policy Institute, talks about her work studying the impact of the digital divide in Indian country.

Virtual launch party: Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover
July 30: You’re invited to participate in the ASU Mastcam-Z team Live Zoom webinar of the Mars 2020 Perseverance Launch. Mastcam-Z is an advanced camera system with panoramic and stereoscopic imaging capability with the ability to zoom. The instrument also will determine mineralogy of the Martian surface and assist with rover operations.

NAS establishes James Prize to recognize interdisciplinary work
Nominations for the inaugural prize will be accepted through Monday, October 5, 2020. This prize will recognize researchers who integrate knowledge from two or more disciplines in order to solve a major contemporary challenge.

Skysong Innovations translates ASU research into tangible, scalable solutions
A new article from ASU Now features the work of dozens of ASU faculty, whose impacts reverberate sometimes thousands of miles from ASU campuses. Learn about the work and about Skysong Innovations, ASU’s intellectual property management company.
Island and indigenous youth voices: Building back better and fairer
Video available: ASU, Hawaii Green Growth and Local2030 Island Network convened a panel of island and indigenous youth for a solution-oriented conversation on “building back better” after COVID-19.

Antiracist Resources curated by the IHR
A list of antiracist resources is now available on the Institute for Humanities Research website for use in humanities courses and for the community.
Event: The overlooked role of tech in the sustainability movement
Join by Zoom August 11. Engineers today are increasingly asked to produce sustainable designs, products, and infrastructure. But what is meant by sustainability, and what is the role of the engineer in this domain?

Call for projects: Project Cities seeks solutions-focused class projects
Bring project-based learning into your classroom with support from ASU Project Cities. This university-community partnership model offers ample opportunities for meaningful, applied research. This year’s city partners are Peoria and Clarkdale.

Video available: Tackling systemic racism in 2020
A panel discussion highlights the history of racism in America, what it looks like today, the role of anti-racism, and what we can do as members of the ASU community to tackle systemic racism.

First-Gen Zone request for proposals and save the date
ASU’s First-Year Success Center is seeking proposals, due August 3, for 45-minute workshops and 5-minute lightning talks on empowering and supporting first-generation college students. The virtual conference will be held November 5.