Moore receives Department of Energy Career Award


Gary Moore

Moore receives Department of Energy Career Award

Sustainability scientist Gary Moore studies the fundamental science of energy conversion processes, including those required to use solar energy for producing fuels and other value-added chemical products. The research aims to unleash sustainable-chemistry and renewable-energy technologies that address global-scale demands.

Solar panel closeup

DOE establishes new EFRC at ASU

The center, called Ultra Materials for a Resilient, Smart Electricity Grid, or Ultra EFRC, is headed by Regents Professor of physics Robert Nemanich and Professor of electrical engineering Stephen M. Goodnick.

klaus Lackner in his lab

Researchers pinpoint how sorbent materials catch and release carbon

New research by sustainability scientist Klaus Lackner and his colleagues explains how sorbent materials catch and release carbon, a key component to direct air capture systems that remove carbon from the atmosphere.

Carbon capture mechanical tree

Silicon Kingdom Holdings funds ASU carbon-capture machines

A unique carbon-capture machine developed by ASU Professor Klaus Lackner has moved into the next stage of development with funding from SKH.

Zachary Holman

ASU engineer works to increase solar panel efficiency

Solar energy, while quite expensive, still remains one of the most promising sources of alternate energy. ASU’s Holman Research Group has published new findings in the science journal Joule that show how a minute change to the industry-standard silicon wafers significantly enhances solar cell composition.