Alumni and Student Spotlights

Don Cotton headshot

Meet Executive Master of Sustainable Leadership alumnus Dan Colton

Although he had been taught to live sustainably before he even knew the meaning of the word, Dan Colton’s interest in sustainability wasn’t sparked until he got to — of

Headshot of Alycia de Mesa

ASU faculty and staff work to increase Latino representation

Alycia de Mesa is elated. An instructor in the School of Sustainability at Arizona State University, she and her colleague Maria Coca Ascencio, a graduate of the Executive Master of

Taylor Reimann holding huge globe

Meet sustainability alumna Taylor Reimann

Inspired by her love for nature but dismayed by its degradation, Taylor Reimann was determined to pursue sustainability from an early age. “Growing up, my family continued to frequent our

Jeadshot of Danielle Leoni

School of Sustainability alumna provides tips on reducing food waste

As we try to tackle the wicked problem of climate change, one of the biggest and most important hurdles is the transformation of our food systems. While that may sound

Garr Punnett headshot

Meet Master of Sustainability Solutions alumnus Garr Punnett

Garr Punnett had been working in television production when he realized he wanted something more. Inspired by the environmentally conscious fashion brands he had recently discovered, he decided to obtain

Meet online sustainability senior Samantha Selway

A medical condition forced Samantha “Sammy” Selway to transition to online schooling. It was while she was in the process of doing this that she found Arizona State University’s sustainability

Nick Johnson headshot

Meet sustainability senior Nick Johnson

Inspired by sustainability, public transit and urban spaces, School of Sustainability senior Nick Johnson took on a year-long internship with Valley Metro. “As I continued my studies it became clear

Victoria Rttsn headshot

Meet sustainability alumna Victoria Erran

Inspired by a vegan documentary, Victoria Erran decided to make the life-altering decision to study sustainability. “I had just watched one of those famous vegan documentaries where it talks about

Christa Burgess headshot

Meet sustainability master’s student Christa Burgess

Christa Burgess began her journey at Arizona State University in another major, but she always felt something was missing. “After my first semester I got the feeling that the major

Cameron Reed standing next to his poster

Meet sustainability junior Cameron Chavez Reed

“I love the interdisciplinary nature of the School of Sustainability because solving the ecological and climate crisis of today requires input from all fields of research,” said junior Cameron Chavez Reed. Read Reed’s Q&A to learn more about his ASU sustainability journey.

Megan Warner at a campsite

Meet sustainability alumna Megan Warner

Megan Warner just graduated with a Bachelor of Science in sustainability. As someone who has been dedicated to sustainability from an early age, completing the program was a dream come

Sha'kiya Morris headshot

Meet sustainability junior Sha’kiya Morris

She runs two organizations from home, created a charity focused on helping veterans with PTSD and holds community events to raise awareness. She also helps personal brands and businesses benefit