Global Futures Laboratory

The Texas Storm Was No Black Swan
Last month’s winter storms proved Texas’ utility systems are not prepared to persevere through extreme weather, but what about the rest of the nation? Or the planet?

“COVID-19 has revealed some of the weaknesses in the energy system”: Gary Dirks talks energy transitions with International Policy Digest
In this exchange, Dirks shares ASU’s history in energy research and why this pandemic has shined a brighter light on the need to transition fuel sourcing and production away from fossils and to renewables.

Peter Schlosser discusses climate and opportunity on Horizon
ASU’s Vice President and Vice Provost of Global Futures, Peter Schlosser, was featured on the KAET news and current affairs program Horizon, where he discussed the current threat of climate change and the Biden administration’s prioritization of climate action.

2020 brings record heat and dryness to Arizona
“The heat in 2020 was not helpful in the least, and the global pandemic was not helpful as well,” said associate professor David Hondula, a partner with the Healthy Urban

Video: Narrative has power in driving clean energy revolution
ASU and the American Resilience Project premiered a new film documenting the closing of the Navajo Generating Station, part of the “Current Revolution” series.

The Earth League launches 10 New Insights of Climate Science with UNFCCC
Unaccounted emissions from permafrost, threats to the land sink, impacts on mental health and freshwater, COVID-19 outcomes and rights-based litigation to address climate change are some of the most recent findings in climate change science summarized in the new report.

Feb 18: Black and Indigenous Relations of Doing and Being
Author Tiffany King will present the 2021 Environmental Humanities Initiative Distinguished Lecture, a keynote address of the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture (ISSRNC) Conference.
Global Futures hosts climate policy discussion with Obama administration’s John Morton and GFL fellow Frank Sesno
The Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory hosted a special discussion with Emmy-winning journalist Frank Sesno and former Obama Administration climate policy advisor John E. Morton for a comprehensive conversation

New climate video series centers on diverse youth voices
Countless people around the world, recognizing the urgency of this moment, are taking climate action in a way that draws from their personal experiences and passions. A new PBS video series in collaboration with ASU’s Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory and George Washington University’s Planet Forward is telling the stories of some of these courageous, innovative and captivating people.

Writers from around the world envision the future, earn spot in new magazine
In April, Arizona State University’s Narrative Storytelling Initiative invited people worldwide to write a short story on what they think the future holds, based on our current world. No science fiction, no fantasy, but an imagined future reality. The results are in, and they’re illuminating. Enjoy the top five in a new magazine: Envisioning the Future, Volume 1.

West Coast Fires: Will they finally push us to act?
In our latest piece on Medium, co-authors Peter Schlosser and Steven Beschloss examine the wildfire outbreak across the western US and if this is finally the climate-oriented moment that will

New study shows soil as significant carbon sequestration driver
As harmful atmospheric carbon dioxide levels continue to increase, understanding the planetary carbon balance has become the single most important scientific question. A new report by two leading ecological scientists at Arizona State University quantified the global soil carbon sequestered by roots plus the amount leached into the soil. They revealed that climate and land-use are major influencers of belowground carbon sequestration.